The morning I left for a trip during a particularly painful time in my life, my sister gave me matching pajamas so that every night we would be wearing the same ones. It comforted me and helped us feel connected across the time zones.
Add a note explaining that although you can’t be together, you are wearing the same jammies at night. This is a great thing to do with a bestie, sibling, or group of friends. What’s better than all your sorority friends, spread all over the country, wearing the same jammies to bed each night?! This can also be done with other “matching” items:
-perfume (How about “Baby Soft” from 6th grade or your favorite Este Lauder you shared in college, or your new grown-up favorite!)
– Matching shoe laces to work out in
– Jewelry (remember how it felt to wear half a heart and your bestie had the other half?!)
– winter hats ( is great)
– mittens
– t-shirts
– socks